Adenosine Triphosphate Testing Biological Indicator Testing

Advanced BioRecovery Solutions is pleased to offer healthcare, industrial, business and residential Clientele Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Surface Testing and Biological Indicator (BI) Decontamination Verification Services. Spores, viruses, bacteria, and their protective biofilms can adversely affect health and compromise living area, transport, medical, beverage and food production environments.

ATP Hygiene Monitoring Diagnostics are conducted to measure microbial levels in the compromised indoor environment, pre and post-remediation. The ATP diagnostic is used to rapidly measure actively growing microorganisms through detection of adenosine triphosphate. ATP is a molecule found in and around living cells, and as such it gives a direct measure of biological concentration and health.

ATP is quantified by measuring the light produced through its reaction with the naturally occurring firefly enzyme luciferase using a luminometer. The amount of light produced is directly proportional to the amount of ATP present in the sample. Readings are measured in Relative Light Units (RLU).

Surface / Application PASS FAIL
Hospital Public Areas <50 50+
Near-patient Areas <25 25+
Sterile Services <10 10+
OR & ICU <10 10+
Food Preparation and Catering <10 10+

ABS utilizes next generation ATP testing instruments to precisely measure and document ATP levels emitted by biofilms living on surfaces. The detection and analysis of ATP, the universal unit of energy in all living cells, will quickly and accurately determine surface cleanliness.

Established benchmarks representing acceptable ATP ranges are used to determine cleanliness for specific applications. ABS incorporates ATP surface testing in every Biorecovery and Decontamination Scope of Work. These surface tests are used to determine efficacy of the operation. ABS typically achieves ATP values between 0 & 10 RLU.

Biological indicators are test systems containing viable microorganisms providing a defined resistance to a specific sterilization process. A biological indicators provides information to determine if necessary conditions were met to extinguish a specified number of microorganisms for a given sterilization process, providing a level of confidence in the process.

Endospores, or bacterial spores, are the microorganisms primarily used in BIs. They are considered some of the more difficult pathogens to eradicate. Additionally, bacterial spores are chosen for a specific sterilization process based on their known resistance to that process. For example, Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores demonstrate a high resistance towards steam and vaporized hydrogen peroxide and are therefore used in BIs that monitor these sterilization processes.

ABS utilizes BIs to determine the efficacy of closed loop sterilizing systems, to include, pre-vacuum sterilizers dry heat sterilization, steam sterilization processes, eehylene oxide (EO) sterilization processes and VHP Biodecontamination Units.

Several factors such as operator experience, load preparation and sterilizer condition can impact the sterilization cycle. BIs provide a direct measure of the lethality of the process and so the use of BIs to routinely monitor sterilizers provides assurance in the efficacy of the sterilization process.

BIs are typically used within process challenge devices (PCD) that are designed to represent the most challenging products routinely processed. A passing result for the BI within this defined challenge demonstrates that the sterilizer is effective in killing a large number of highly resistant bacterial spores, providing users with a level of assurance in their sterilization process.

ABS utilizes biological indicators to confirm the efficacy of the operation process. Additionally, air and surface sampling tests may be conducted by a third-party party entity to verify ABS’ results.

Whether you are concerned about residential indoor environmental quality, industrial or business hygiene, preparing for a food or health inspection, or require strict sanitation protocols for specific applications, ABS Surface Testing and BI Decontamination Verification Services will provide peace of mind in knowing surfaces and equipment meet your stringent disinfection requirements.